How to pay the fees

All fees may be paid online through your Omnivox account, or sent to our office:

By mail or in person
900 Riverside Drive
St-Lambert, Quebec J4P 3P2

Call us at 450.672.7360 , ext. 3217

General fees

  • Letters of Attestation: $3.00 per letter
  • Course Descriptions: $5.00 per course
  • N.S.F. Cheque: $50.00 per cheque
  • Transcript Fee: Official transcript – $5.00 per destination


Application, Registration  & Student Fees (All fees are subject to change)

1. Application Fee: $30.00

2. Late Registration Fee: $50.00

3. Student Fees for Full-Time Students: $220.00 (see item #9 re: Foundation fee)

  • Registration Fee: $20.00 / Part Time – $5.00 per course
  • Student Service Fee: $25.00
    (academic, personal & career counselling, orientation & integration services and learning centres)
  • Auxiliary Services Fee: $145.00
    (financial aid counselling, health & social services and accident insurance)
  • Student Association Fee: $30.00


4. Student Fees for Part-Time Students: 1 course: $46.00; 2 courses: $74.00; 3 courses: $102.00

  • Registration Fee: $5.00 per course
  • Student Service Fee: $6.00 per course
  • Auxiliary Services Fee: $32.00 per course
  • Student Association Fee: $30.00


5. Courses Outside of Program of Study:

  • $6.00 per course hour during the fall and winter semesters in the Day Division
  • $2.00 per course hour in Continuing Education and summer school


6. International Student Fee:

  • $35.06 per course hour for part time students (in addition to the fees described in No. 1 or No. 3 above)
  • $54.36 per course hour for part time Nursing Students (in addition to the fees described in No. 1 or No. 3 above)


7. Non-Residents of Quebec:

  • $1,780 per semester for full time students
  • $8.69 per course hour for part-time students


8. Part-Time Tuition Fees (permission of the Registrar is required):

  • $2.00 per course hour


9. Champlain College Foundation:

  • The $235 Student Fee includes a $15 donation to the Champlain College Saint-Lambert Foundation.
  • The Foundation is a non-profit organization which benefits Champlain students. If students do not wish to contribute to the Champlain College Saint-Lambert Foundation, they may pay a $220 Student Fee.

Refund and Withdrawal Procedures

Before 1st Day of Class

  • Withdrawing before first day of classes must be done in writing and submitted to the Registrar’s Office before the first day of classes. Students will receive a refund cheque for the total semester fees minus $50 in non-refundable administrative fees.


After 1st Day of Class

  • After the first day of classes students will receive a refund cheque of their semester fees less $65.00.

Course Withdrawal Deadlines

  • Deadline to drop a course is September 19th (Fall semester) and February 14th (Winter semester).

No refunds will be issued after the deadlines listed above.

Advanced standing applicants

Students applying from other Quebec cégeps, private colleges, and other government-approved, college-level institutions must submit a student copy of their transcript when applying. Upon admission, their official marks will be obtained directly from the Ministry of Education and will be integrated into their Champlain College Saint-Lambert record. Not all courses will necessarily be integrated.


Equivalences for courses taken at post-secondary institutions other than Quebec cégeps, private colleges or other government-approved, college-level institutions are considered on a course-by-course basis by the Academic Advisors in consultation with the appropriate Department Heads. Credit will not automatically be given for years or full semesters of study. Champlain College Saint-Lambert does not normally grant equivalent credit for courses followed at the university level. No request for equivalent credit will be considered until the following documentation has been submitted:

(a) A detailed description of the course content.
(b) An official transcript.


Champlain College Saint-Lambert offers a Scholarship Program for incoming, current and graduating students. The value of each entrance scholarship is $750.00. They are awarded to the student in each program with the highest entering academic average among students with averages of 80% or higher. Close to $10,000 in total scholarships are awarded each year.

At the end of their studies, graduating students are eligible for various awards, medals and prizes such as the Lieutenant Governor Award and the Board of Governors Award.

Call the Admissions Office at (450) 672-7360, ext. 3217 for more information.

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